Thursday, February 25, 2010

day 36: danish pastries

Today, we baked off our danishes that we started yesterday. Laminating the dough with butter was tedious, but fun, as was forming the dough into all sorts of different shapes today. We made pinwheels, envelopes, bear claws, picture frames, turnovers, snails, spectacles, and a figure 8. The dough was a bit temperamental because of all the butter inside, and it's going to take some practice to get the filling right...most of mine crept out, fell over, or otherwise was just not pretty. Chef A said I did a good job laminating the dough, but that I'd taken these out of the oven before they browned enough and so they deflated a bit. Overall, I think they turned out okay, and were definitely the most fun thing we've made so far. Tomorrow: fruit tarts.

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