Friday, February 26, 2010

day 37: fresh fruit tarts

Today, we did our first project with the pate sucre dough we made the other day, fresh fruit tarts. These look so beautiful, I barely want to cut into them. We made a delicious pastry cream, and it was my first time using fresh vanilla beans, which was interesting. I love that these look really intricate, but they are quite simple to make...just takes a little organization, and patience. Chef A said my tart shell baked off nicely, not too much color, my fruit was sliced and arranged nicely, and that I coated it completely with the apricot glaze. I don't think she liked too much the fact that I made a second mini tart with my leftover dough...which made everyone pester her for a mini tart ring...which there were no more...which pissed her off more. Sorry, Chef A. In other news, I'm ready to go on a date with Chef True like yesterday...he is too cute. I hope I get him for advanced baking later on.

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