Wednesday, June 9, 2010

day 100: russia/denmark: borscht, pel'meni and mørbrad med svedsker og aebler

I thought Eastern Europe day would be a lot heavier foods, but the soup and appetizer were quite light. The Borscht is a beet soup, with parsnips and celery root, braised in veal stock and red wine vinegar. Chef Watts said I didn't have enough meat flavor in mine, and when I went back to my station I realized I, uh, forgot to put any meat in at all. I should have advertised it as Vegetarian Borscht. 

The Pel'meni are little dumplings of ground beef, pork and onions, poached in veal stock. Our book says these were traditionally made with horsemeat. Uh, delicious.

And for the main course, we have the one that's hard to prounounce, which hails to us from Denmark.  It's a pork loin, stuffed with apples and prunes that were cooked in Aquavit and finished with cream.  I seared mine in bacon fat to give the hunk of meat some flavor, and I tossed my potatoes in the bacon fat too.

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