Wednesday, June 2, 2010

day 95: antipasti platter; caprese salad

Today, I made Caprese salad with the mozzarella we pulled was a million times better than the chunks of sliced mozarella I put in the one for our BBQ buffet. We also had heirloom tomatoes instead of the usual roma tomatoes, which was a lot nicer. Chef Pastore likes to meander past our plates a lot this term even though he's not our teacher, and he tried to take credit for the inspiration of my stacked Caprese salad.  Sorry Chef, Jacques Pepin beat you to it! But your plate was impressive, nonethless. I also made a ton of different kitchen cheeses yesterday, and I oven dried some roma tomatoes and soaked them in olive oil, garlic and basil overnight. It was delicious with the baby artichokes Jennifer marinated, and the crostini we toasted in butter and rubbed with garlic. And kudos to Brittany for iPhoning a beautiful platter presentation for us. An antipasti success!

1 comment:

  1. Trung,

    It has been a pleasure to view your site to see what you have achieved, and can tell you have learned quite a bit. Congrats, and keep up the learning, passion, and continual strive for excellence. Proud of you.

