Monday, June 21, 2010

day 108: vietnam/thailand: gỏi cuốn and pad thai

Somebody shattered a bottle of fish sauce all over the floor today.  P.U.!  But I won't lie...I will straight up drink the stuff in the nước chấm, like the one I made for the the spring rolls below.  The Pad Thai got stir-fried chicken, shrimp, tofu, eggs and Phở noodles, tossed in a sauce of Tamarind water, palm sugar, fish sauce, garlic, ginger, chiles and paprika.  I finished it with the carrots, bean sprouts, scallions and cilantro.  Spicy, salty, sweet and sour deliciousness!

My Vietnamese spring rolls were stuffed with shrimp, Thai basil, mint, mung bean noodles, carrots, cucumber, bean sprouts and scallions.  The carrots I julienned really thin and let soak in rice wine vinegar, and I also added it to the nước chấm, which was just fish sauce, water, sugar, lime, chiles, garlic and ginger.  I would have felt quite silly to have messed this one up.  Fortunately, I did not.

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