Thursday, June 10, 2010

day 101: germany: kartoffelpfannkuchen, linsensuppe, and rheinischer sauerbraten with spätzle and rotkohl mit äpfeln


After being in a weird (cooking) funk for the past couple of days, I was all about being the comeback kid today. The potato pancakes I've made about four times in school now (once with apples!), so hopefully I know what I'm doing. Chef Watts ate a whole pancake, which made me feel really good.

The Linsensuppe, or lentil soup, also came out really nice.  Unlike yesterday, I remembered to add the bacon back vegetarian soup today!  It also didn't hurt that I brought in my extra bacon fat.

And for the entree today, I braised the Sauerbraten and served it with spätzle tossed in butter and sage.  I didn't get a single critique today for any of my dishes, which was awesome...although I'm not too sure about this cabbage I made.  I never know how cabbage dishes are supposed to taste because I never eat it (e.g. cole slaw, sauerkraut), so I just tried my best to balance the acid with sweet and salty.  Not too shabby.

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