Tuesday, May 11, 2010

day 82: gateau l'opera and sachertorte

Yesterday and today, we worked really long and hard making the components for and then assembling our beautiful layer cakes. And withinin 5 seconds at the end of class today, bad penmanship ruined it all. I have a newfound respect for the lady at the Ralph's bakery that writes "Happy Birthday" on everyone's cake. It takes a lot of experience and a steady hand. The opera cakes were pretty delicious, with one layer of chocolate ganache, one layer of coffee buttercream, and a coffee soaked sponge cake. We garnished with a little gold flake on top, just for extra fancies.

The Sachertorte was good chocolate cake, but nothing too special. It got a layer of apricot jam in the middle, and we soaked it in rum. Eh.

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