Wednesday, March 3, 2010

day 40: cream puffs and eclairs

Today, we filled our eclairs and cream puffs that we baked off yesterday. The cream puffs got a little chocolate, diced strawberries and freshly whipped chantilly cream, while the eclairs got stuffed with pastry cream and were dipped in chocolate. Who knew squeezing something out of a plastic bag could be so difficult? We had to shape all of our eclairs and cream puffs freehand, and if you've never used a big ass pastry bag before, you wouldn't understand. Chef A said my pate a choux baked off nice and crisp. The pastry cream inside the eclairs were a little dull, due to overcooking, but it was nice and smooth. The cream puffs could have used a bit more cream around the edges (think of a burger too big for its bun) as the strawberries and chocolate should not be visible at all. I'm pretty happy with both overall.  I got a few not so pretty ones, but more than enough nice ones to present. Tomorrow: cheesecake!

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