Thursday, March 18, 2010

day 51: fabricating veal; veal meatballs with baby artichokes

Today, we broke down a sixty pound veal leg, ground the meat, and made delicious veal meatballs that we simmered in a broth of onions, fennel, garlic, tomatoes and olives. We served that with baby artichokes, and freshly rolled farfalle pasta.

Chef Pastore fabricated the leg before class today. Less demo...more cooking!

Chef Shalchian grinds our veal through the buffalo grinder.

This was a great dish to make because you really can't go wrong with meatballs. Even a bad meatball is still pretty good. But I did pretty well with my meatballs. Chef Shalchian took one bite and proclaimed to the world, "That's a moist meatball!" She said I used just the right amount of egg to bind it, although it could have had a little more seasoning. I also took the extra step to lightly dredge my meatballs through some flour first, just as an extra insurance to keep it together and for nice even browning. I could have taken off another layer from the cute little baby artichokes, but being asian made it hard to do so. I over-reduced my broth a bit, which would have been a simple fix with just a bit more chicken stock, but I liked the heartier texture. I'm pretty happy with my dish, and I'm looking forward to dinner: leftovers!

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