Wednesday, April 14, 2010

day 64: cobb salad and nicoise salad

Bleu cheese kind of makes me barf, although I did the best I could with our Cobb salad today. From the rendered bacon fat, I also made a made a mayo for my "baked potato" salad that we'll be serving tomorrow, which I tossed with sour cream, cheddar and chives.

The Nicoise salad got mixed greens, new potatoes, anchovies, haricots vert, Nicoise olives, tomatoes, hard-boiled eggs and seared tuna. The dressing was a simple vinaigrette I made with mashed garlic, sherry vinegar and olive oil. Overall, what a strange combination. Stranger that someone actually took the time to write down this random list of ingredients. Sohl said I was "making love to my salad" when I was plating this up. Hope it got satisfied.

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